8 must remembered things when meditating FIRST time & beginners guided meditation


Love and blessings from the home of God,

Start meditating NOW

How to meditate for first time

      Meditation has become a common term now, and many want to make meditation part of their daily. here is a guide on how u can start meditation for total beginners.

This guide may be for beginners but this guide to begin with u can also help people already on the path of meditation to strengthen their practice by strengthening the basics.

Before we jump into steps to start meditating, let us know the meaning and purpose of meditation because anything done without a clear intention will not last too long.

What is meditation?

  Meditation is the practice of training the mind to be focused by giving the mind a chosen object to focus on. this has a spiritual goal -to realise our true nature called by different names by different people, some call it soul, the universe, higher consciousness or just pure consciousness which we truly are right now but the problem is flickering mind, with a flickering mind u can not have a clear reflection .spirituality treats the mind as a mirror to reflect our true nature, we can create it because we already are, what we can do is get a reflection of it and turn finger inward and know that this is teal me.in other words, I am -IAM.

10 minute meditation for beginners

If u are not on a path to realise god,u can still practice meditation as it has other benefits too, it can help u concentrate, calm the mind, heal diseases and make u mentally stronger.

Now, let us dive deep into the topic of how to start with meditation as a total beginner.

Tips to Meditate for beginners 

1. Find your motivation

Meditation for beginners

If u are a total novice, first u need to establish your base which is your motivation, define yourself why u want to start meditation, I am not asking for a super high goal like l want to realise god or something like that, it can be as simple as I want a stable emotional life or I want to be able to be focused in my work .just have a purpose with u because studies show that a person is likely to quiet a thing in which he has no purpose of doing.

Hence have an intention behind the practice.

2. Do not force yourself to meditate

How to start meditation at home for beginners

When u meditate for the first time as a beginner, we all have so many expectations from meditation. This expectation may be forcing u to meditate but remember forceful meditation is not meditation, if u force yourself your meditation is not going to be good enough to want u to meditate again. meditating with an agitated mind will not give u results, and not seeing results may stimulate u to quiet. practice takes time and results will take time to be shown, then the next question would be how much time it takes to see results.

3. Forget about results

Beginner's mind is so frustrated regarding seeing results of practice, truly how much time it takes to see results
How to start meditation for the first time

depend on the practice itself not merely time but depth, more the depth the deepen the practice is going, and what bars you from going deeper is looking for results, this thought itself must be called down in meditation, do not entertain the thought of when I will see impacts.it depends on the individual mind how much time it will take to reach a certain level of concentration. Have a little patience.

4. Try different types of meditation

How to do meditation for the first time

There are so many types of meditation .each is designed to help each type of individual with a specific purpose .because one type may work for u but not for others, if u are an emotional person meditation in awareness of feelings may not work for you but focusing in another object when emotion comes may help. u may find sound meditation interesting but someone else may develop irritation with sound.

Hence choose which works for u, and which u enjoy because the enjoyment of practice will sustain the practice. give each type a chance, practice one type for 2 weeks, another type for 2 weeks then chose one or u can practice simultaneously, 2 weeks this and 2 weeks another type of meditation.

5. Don't focus on the perfectness

How to do meditation for beginners

   When u are just starting, u will be imperfect for sure .u can not expect a child to walk perfectly in his first go, when he is learning to walk the first time, he must collapse first. likewise, when u focus on the perfectness of postures or method itself, it will be hard for u to remain stuck because not seeing perfectness can be an excuse to not meditate.in this case just sit to sit, first develop a habit of sitting alone with your body then progress little by little on the perfectness of the process and postures.

6. Take meditative information IN

Beginners meditation

U will see so many thoughts coming up in your mind while meditating first, and guess what we expect it to acquire. if thoughts are not coming why even meditate. these thoughts are the impression of info that u were taking the whole day. u can not meditate deep immediately after watching a thriller movie. the more negative info the more will be thoughts, the more thoughts the more demotivated u gonna feel means the more chances of u not trying to meditate again hence changing the info u are taking whole day is a vital step towards calming thoughts, cut out negative and fill positive. there are many spiritual gurus u can listen to on youtube or read on Google. start with learning about meditation itself and what it does, the science of meditation one of the source is the Huberman podcast and there are much more things to explore about meditation.

7. Be flexible

How to start meditation daily

  In the beginning, u may find it difficult to stay consistent with meditation which is very very important To make meditation part of your daily habits but to stay consistent u must focus on meditating not thinking about meditating. if u miss your meditation by accident or deliberately or if u forgot, let it not be the reason for letting the whole day go without meditation because meditating at other times is better than not meditating at all if u

forgot in the morning do it in the afternoon (before lunch)or the evening or at bedtime. 

8. meditate in a fixed place 

How to start meditation

  Every place has an energy and time has memory, which creates patterns in behaviour for doing the same thing at the same time hence meditating in the same place at the same time will help u meditate better and even deeper.

Guide to meditating for the first time

 • Find a relatively quiet place (u are not going to get 0 noise place) just make sure to have the lowest noise possible.

Sit on the floor or chair or wherever u prefer, just sit with open eyes for 5-6 minutes, think about your reason for meditation and whatever positive info u can remember, u can practice gratitude in this time, remind yourself for everything u are grateful for in your life, there are lots of things we can be grateful for, u wake up this morning isn't this worthy enough to be grateful for, because u didn't know whether u will wake after sleeping at night, start saying thank u to each person in your life and thanks to every moment of your life.

•Now, that your mind has got into a calm and relaxed state, u are good to go for the next step.

•Set a time limit, as u are just beginning do not meditate long, 10-15 minutes or even 5 minutes is good for u.

•Sit in whatever position u feel comfortable(cross-legged is preferred) place your hands open, facing upward on your thighs, and close your eyes.

•Gently and slowly bring attention to your breath. focus on the sensation of breathing. do not force yourself to pay attention it will cause headaches. Be gentle and normal. u do not need to be perfect when u are learning, indisputably u are not perfect hence u are learning, that's why focus on practice, not perfectness

•Thoughts will come for sure, but do not get involved in them, the more u will try to get rid of them the more u will find their number increasing. rather than give a substitute to your mind as bringing curiosity about your breathing process, feel your breath.

•Do not waste energy fighting with thoughts, bring curiosity about knowing where is my breath, and be curious to know your breathing process. the idea of meditation is not getting rid of thoughts but getting rid of waste, unnecessary, negative thoughts. thoughts about breath, and breath patterns are ok.

•The major thought which will disturb u will be 'how much time has passed', Do focus on the length of your meditation first, length increases as depth is reached.

•Focus on meditating deep not long. u can set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes so that u can freely focus on your breath without worrying about how much time it's been passed while u are meditating. Stay there for 10 minutes, back to breathe again and again whenever any thought interrupts.

•Whenever u feel comfortable say thank u to your breath, gently open your eyes

• Do not rush immediately, sit quiet, and feel how you are feeling, set an intention to maintain this peaceful state, as u go through your day be mindful of your breath by taking mini-breaks  by bringing your attention back to the breath and at any moment u remember, try to be mindful of your breath(developing awareness of breath throughout the day will take its own time, u just keep practising, by bringing your attention back to the breath again and again)

•  Get up gently and follow your routine as usual.

      Now, u are well equipped to start your meditation journey with an inward focus, to explore existence or even your life itself.
The time is for implementation, see there is no secret to meditating, tips given by every other mediator are also workable but only if followed faithfully and consistently .thats why do not focus on searching for best meditation practices too much pick up one and stay with it .every tip works if u work.

    Let me know in the comments when are going to put these tips into practice also feel free to ask any questions in mind, I will attempt to clear them from whatever I till now.

*Blessings till next read!

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