What is self inquiry and what it do

 What is self-inquiry

Love and blessings from the home of god

   Self-inquiry is the process of investigating into nature of self, your own real self .coming to the understanding of who I am .many souls are now identified with body and content of mind (emotions, thoughts, desires, perception )

when one starts inquiring into the nature of self one realises that I am not the mind not the body, I am the one who is witnessing all the changes in mind and body, and in which all bodies and minds (thoughts)arise, stay and sink back, which means she realises that only l exists even universe is the appearance in me.

Why this must be true?

If we notice the whole day we are thinking only two things- me and mine.

But what is mine is not me, all day long we say my thoughts, my body, my friend, my husband. Just like clothes are yours but not u, can u say I am clothes, no we say these are my clothes then who is that me. likewise, we say I am thinking, isn't thinking apart from u.To think,u must be something apart from thinking then who is the one to whom thinking is happening.

Our whole life is thoughts and emotions, this is the thing we are clinging to when u like some food, u are not clinging to that food but the emotion u feel after having it but the same food can be immensely averse by others hence it is not about food or person or your career but emotion which u feel. When one does not investigate into who I am or nan yar in the language of Ramana Maharshi.  if any doubt is arising in your mind it is nothing but thought, in process of self-inquiry we churn the thought by constant observing and what we get is residual of thoughts which is awareness itself.

Thought is just an activity happening in the mind, to watch the thoughts u must be something which is not thought or beyond thoughts, an agency before thoughts who is watching the rise, presence and cessation of thoughts.

Take a look at your own experiences, whatever u say as I am whether this body or mind is subject to many changes, the body itself changes every 2-3 months said, scientists. The body was a little baby one day, now young, will be old someday who is the one who witnessed all these bodies notice body has changed but the sense of I is constant, also notice that your emotions too are rewriting every moment u may be feeling nice one day and misery in another, it is the emotion which has changed what remains common in all your experiences is l .hence we say I experience bad, happy or fear .means you are the one to whom all the experiences are occurring when we investigate we will find this is the most obvious thing of all,  some change to happen we need something stable just like tv screen, the screen is stable but pictures are changing the screen is watching both misery and joy nonjugmentally, but one might say I see world judgmentally, it is a thought, tell me do u know that u are judgemental? that means u are out of it if u know there is a river u must be out of it only then can u say something about the river. When we begin to realise this we understand that the world is an illusion (maya) a play of god, and thoughts are not real hence we learn how to stop believing in our thoughts but notice them to reach their source.

The whole process of inquiry is coming to the real reality that I am nothing but this never-changing pure consciousness, untouched by any amendments in body and mind as astavakra Gita says I am ever the witness and never the witnessed.

How to start meditating on the nature of self               


Every spiritual path is designed to reach the same goal - self-realisation, even the establishment of this is the part of Maya or illusion, hence start where ever fate brings u because what matters is the realisation of self, not the path, whichever route u take once u reach the destination it doesn't matter hence always keep your practice individual learn from each religion, each path and apply what works for u.

Some paths where u can start

•Advaita Vedanta 
•Ramana maharshi's nan yar(who I am)
•mooji Satsang 

Now, it's your time to awaken to the real reality, remember it's a journey, not a destination hence be patient with it, one day or other we will realise we are the witness consciousness, we are born only to realise this.every soul is on it's own journey hence don't judge.

Feel free to share if there is anything in your mind, I will be grateful to respond to them from whatever I know till now.

*Blessings till next read!

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