How to reach your subconscious mind
We all know the power of our subconscious mind,
there is a very small fragment of things that we are aware of in everyday life, which are happening at the back of our psyche.
From your childhood, till now your subconscious mind has stored everything you experienced, learned and witnessed
What is the subconscious mind?
the subconscious mind is a storehouse for everything which is not in your conscious mind, all your beliefs, memories, experiences, emotions, traumas are stored in this subconscious mind. Here lies all your personality and answer to the question --why u are the way u are.
It's a memory house which remember everything u think, feel and do. Your compulsive actions are stored here with a justification (believe) which you have borrowed from your surrounding, and many believes are such which stops getting what u want because these recordings overpower you when u try to perform in order to get what u desire.
Awareness of these beliefs will help u to solve them and hence clears flow of energy to get your desires complete.
Why subconscious mind?
Many of the time you try to change your behaviours, habits like impulsivity, getting things personally, anger, comparing to others, irritation, habits of being addicted to some substance or want to develop new behaviour and habits such as meditation, productivity, getting things accomplished, studying, eating healthy but we self-sabotage. knowing what is holding u back from becoming the person u always to be is a must to change yourself permanently. I have discovered through my practice that the beliefs u have, stories u told yourself as a child, and traumas u suffered are what baring us to get the life we want.
Your mind is designed to protect u from pain, it will never let u feel pain. But guess what u have told your mind what to protect u from, those are our beliefs, and experiences .when u get angry, self-sabotage, or get addicted, your mind wants to protect u from something and that something is information stored in your subconscious. When u want to study but mind keeps wandering and distracted easily your mind is protecting you from negative belief you have about study.
Hence reaching your subconscious mind is a vital step toward your journey of abundance. most importantly knowing why u behave the way u behave will help u understand why people behave the way they behave and generate compassion toward them which all of us want (need) to have.
Way to reach the subconscious mind
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the practice of recognizing things as it is, philosophically it's an energy that helps to know what's going on outside and inside u, becoming aware of something, it can be emotions, or thoughts( once u become aware of your thoughts u can see belief behind it). Now, if I say, pay attention to your breath if u did this is a type of mindfulness. Practicing Being with one object it can be anything like breathe, sound, touch, emotions, thoughts. These are called Object of mindfulness, what matters is energy of being focused which we generate during practice and not object.
How does mindfulness help to recognize things in the subconscious?
The conscious and subconscious minds communicate with each other which is thought. Exa- you will power to study or for any new habits(conscious mind), some emotion awakens from the subconscious(much stronger than conscious) which depends on your experiences around the study 📚 both communicate which we experience as thoughts, reach a decision which is going to decide whether you will study or procrastinate.
mindfulness is about paying attention, think about your attention as a flashlight 🔦 which reveals everything under its circumference, you start recognizing thoughts and overtime when practice deepens the mind become calm and in the calm river, u can see many fishes no matter how deep it is, which was already there but not seen bez water was muddy, same is true with our mind beliefs, emotions, reasons and solutions are always already there even now, we just need calm down the thoughts.
Once u find fishes in the subconscious, u need something to substitute them with, bez it can not be empty nor can be deleted only be substituted and the divine part is the energy of concentration carried by mindfulness bring u insights which is to be used for substitution of belief, traumas and tell the real reality
3 mindfulness meditation to begin with
- With breath-famous in Buddhism, just being with breath, let breathe as it is
- With sound-following sound, let go of good and bad sound 🎵 , be with sound itself
- With sight-being with what u are seeing, just be with how feels to see
Principal to be considered to practice mindfulness
- let the thought come and go, as long as u are with sound, breathe, and sight it's 🆗
- The object doesn't matter, what matters is u know
- Don't force thoughts to go away
- Whenever u drop from the object bring yourself calmly back to breathe, sound .let go of judgements
Seeing your thoughts does take time, hence consistency is a must, if u remained at least 5min with your breath the whole day it's far more than enough, just continue practising
You will find your real nature one day, the love compassion and happiness, peace which we already have within
Start your practice now, tell me which one would u like to begin with and feel free to ask any other questions u have in mind.
*Blessings till next read!